FNTG Script Home Estimate QR Code

Title executives can use this script to call real estate agents about the new Home Estimate QR code. Just copy and paste into a document and you're ready to call!
Voicemail/Calling Script
Hi [name]. You know this market is tight on inventory and prices have increased making it a perfect time for homeowners to make a move to get the most equity. Many are curious about their home’s value.
Corefact has these great new Hot Market postcards that feature a QR code which leads to an online home estimate page (with your branding!). QR codes are cool again and people don’t hesitate to snap them. Well, guess what? You get an email alert with details every time someone snaps. That’s a semi-warm lead!
Let’s set up a time so you can learn more about how Corefact generates seller leads through direct mail.
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